Tuesday 5 April 2011

Where I'm From

I am from sunshine, 
from Kraft Dinner and a yellow slide.
I am from the farm that has been in the family for generations, 
from the yellow brick house atop the hill.
I am from the wind that blows harder at home than anywhere else, 
from the trees that never change colour.

I am from watching Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday night, 
and spending the holiday season baking in Grandma's kitchen.
I am from cold nights in an uninsulated upstairs, 
and picking corn from the field on a hot summer day.
I am from "treat others as you would like to be treated", 
and "if at first you don't succeed; try, try again".
I am from Sunday School every week as a child,
and church suppers with 40 pies each spring and fall. 
From playing piano at different services, and penny collection.

I'm from Grandma & Papa and the Fisher family farm,
from roast beef dinners, and chicken wings while watching sporting events.
From being born right in the midst of the wild storm of '95,
from the caesar salad my mom makes better than anyone else I know,
to my Dad's many attempts at making beef a new way,
and the baseball bat that split open my brother's head.

I am from the picture frames placed around the house,
from the bottom drawer of the buffet table in the dining room.
But most of all I'm from the memories stored within our hearts,
never to be forgotten.


  1. Great work Kaitlin. You have created a lot of meaningful and heart felt images that allows this reader a wide open vista of who you are and where you are from. I can tell that you have chosen your words carefully. It is very exciting that you were born during that storm in '95--what a time to arrive!

  2. This is a very wonderful poem Kaitlin,
    and it truly shows who you are :)
