Sunday 17 April 2011

Choice Poem - Summer

At last the school year has come to an end
Be yourself, have fun, no need to pretend
The days are long, filled with good times
The sun's rays scream as the temperature climbs

I hear the chirping birds in the early morn
The world seems all new, like it has just been born
I can feel the gentle, warm summer breeze
I hear the buzzing of the busy bees

The sun shines bright as the day grows warm
Distant thunder rumbles, it's about to storm
The dancing trees sway and wave hello
As the soothing wind picks up and begins to blow

But then the day's over and soon night with fall
The nocturnal owl calls out to all
The coyotes yelp to the shining silver moon
But summer's nearly over, and fall will come soon

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